When 100% plus interest and penalties is too much
Only a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) can offer a plan to CRA that provides for less than 100% of the taxes outstanding.
DetailsOnly a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) can offer a plan to CRA that provides for less than 100% of the taxes outstanding.
DetailsAs Dr. Kunjar Mani Sharma is no longer the functioning Honorary Consul-General of Nepal in Toronto as of January 1, 2025, we can no longer offer the translation and authentication services for the Nepali Canadian & larger community of the Greater Toronto Area that we were previously pleased to offer. It was Dr. Sharma’s pleasure to serve in that role from 1993-2024. Please contact the Embassy of Nepal in Ottawa for Dr. Sharma’s replacement in Toronto. We have not been told the details of WHO, WHERE, WHEN & IF such person will start to serve the community.